Art Director & Graphic Designer

Her For She

In 2020, Hershey’s developed the platform HerShe, bringing visibility and empowerment to strong and talented women.

In 2022, we decided to take one step further. HerShe is now Her For She: a Global SISTERHOOD movement (in Portuguese, SORORIDADE) to support the talent of women.

Firstly, we invited 7 different women, from 7 different fields, to be the stars of a music video about “SORORIDADE”. The song was created by one of these women, a famous rapper in Brazil called Katu Mirim.

Also, the script and the pruduction of the video were made by female directors, supported by a team composed by female talents.

Then, we turned this video into an interactive platform. With a single click on thumbnails placed throughout the film, viewers could buy these women’s products or learn more about their projects.

Since 2020, Hershey’s has been using their packs as canvas to promote the work of several women. In 2022, this could not be different. We invited 6 artists to create art pieces that represent SISTERHOOD in 6 different fields: Music, Arts, Sports, Science, Entrepreneurship and Activism.


Through QR codes placed at these arts created by female talents, buyers could learn about influent women in each one of these fields. Again, we brought the Sisterhood concept to our communication.

During the process of development of this project, we realised that the word SORORIDADE is not yet in most of the main dictionaries in Brazil. So, we created the One-Word Dictionary: Sororidade. (watch the full project here)

My role: Lead Art Director / Graphic Designer